Information you provide on this form will create a referral for specialty mental health services through the LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH). Your referral will be assigned to the appropriate DMH program based on the information you provide, so please provide as much information as possible. You will receive a response within 7 business days. Please expect to coordinate closely with the assigned mental health team.
If you or someone else is in immediate danger and needs assistance, please call 911.
If you think someone is about to hurt themselves or someone else because of what they are saying or doing and you need an in-person response, please contact the LA County Help Line for Mental Health and Substance Use Services at 800-854-7771 and select the crisis option.
If this individual is in urgent need of a medication refill, they can access a psychiatric urgent care for immediate support. For a complete list of psychiatric urgent care centers, click the following link: Adult Psychiatric Urgent Care Centers (Page 3).
Universal Entry Training Video