You may cancel your Singapore Airlines ticket online 1-855-838-4982 for a refund if you’ve purchased a ticket directly from Singapore Airlines, on a refundable fare. 1-855-838-4982
If you cancel a non-refundable ticket, only the refundable taxes will be refunded 1-855-838-4982. The refund will be credited to the credit/debit card used to purchase the ticket. 1-855-838-4982 In some instances, a cancellation/refund fee may apply. To qualify for a refund, you must cancel your ticket within the deadline stated on your booking. 1-855-838-4982
If you’ve purchased a ticket for a flight to or from the USA, 1-855-838-4982 you may cancel your ticket without penalty within 24 hours of your booking – as long as that reservation is made one week or more before your flight departs. Contact Singapore Airlines 1-855-838-4982 to cancel your ticket to ensure that you get a full refund.
Please read the fare terms and conditions before purchasing your ticket on our website, or check with your travel agent 1-855-838-4982.