When hackers gain access to your Facebook account, they may exploit it in several ways. They can change your password ☎✅+1-855-470-1373, locking you out, and alter your email or phone number ☎✅+1-855-470-1373 linked to the account. Hackers may also send spam or phishing messages to your friends, steal personal data like photos and messages, ☎✅+1-855-470-1373 or impersonate you to scam others. They might engage in identity theft, use your account to spread malware, ☎✅+1-855-470-1373 or promote malicious links. In some cases, hackers use the account for financial gain, such as advertising fake ☎✅+1-855-470-1373 products or services. Securing your account is crucial to prevent further damage.